– Blazing a Legal Trail

The Legal sector is going through many changes as new technology and client expectations develop. Firms approach this in different ways. One firm that is making this new technology work for them is We spoke to Lindsey McQueen, Director of Operations about how they’re blazing a trail.

What makes different?

We use technology to simplify and speed up our processes and communication with clients. is a paperless law firm, and technology plays a huge role in our day to day – giving us an advantage over more traditional firms.

What made you focus on implementing smart technology?

Some firms think that if it’s not broken, don’t fix it. But our technology enables us to be fast paced and efficient, allowing us to get ahead of others in the market.

There’s pressure to ensure we get AML and client due diligence right. This is our livelihood and using technology such as Armalytix allows us to sleep at night, knowing we’ve done the appropriate checks. The ability to onboard clients and do their AML checks so quickly means that business has boomed for us. It also enables a great work/life balance for the team.

What are some examples of great tech that you’ve implemented?

There are three that stand out:

Qwilr – for pitches and terms of engagement. It’s intelligent and allows us to see where the client is up to with reading documents. It creates a good first impression of us as a modern law firm, different to your usual high street firm.

Legl – for client due diligence. It’s a great tool for clients’ ID and onboarding. It gives us added security – especially with international checks.

Armalytix – for Source of Funds. It’s made a huge difference to us in collecting the data we need from the client. All the data is analysed and presented in a way that makes it much faster to make our risk-based decisions. It’s phenomenal for onboarding, we have tight KPIs and without it we couldn’t get the results we do.

How has it impacted client experience?

It’s so easy to use and the clients love it. Our partners and referrers are so happy with our turnaround rate to meet deadlines. We’ve had work referred to us from other firms because we’re so quick. It’s helped us to grow our business significantly and we couldn’t be happier.

By The Armalytix Team — 16 November 22

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