About us

Fast and effective compliance for the digital age.

Governments and regulators are reacting to increasing financial crime and bad behaviour, mandating firms to do more checks on more people. Armalytix is a data intelligence firm that allows consumers to safely share Open Banking and other data to deliver financial insights to firms, helping those firms conduct faster and more effective Source of Funds, Affordability and Financial Risk checks.

We give you the data, evidence and answers you need. Get better insights, reduce risk and retain the right clients.

Our mission

Our mission is to create a hugely positive impact on society. With our digital checks, we believe we can help stem the rise in financial crime, stop the vulnerable being exploited and protect consumers from making poor financial decisions.

To do this, we are building extraordinary experiences that make complicated checks and processes simple.

Our story so far

We came together from the world of finance to create a better way of doing things and empower a movement of successful firms to transform how they conduct vital checks. With the advent of Open Banking, we saw the world had changed and firms were using yesterday’s technology to solve today’s problems. That will not last.

We giving firms the data, answers and evidence to get the proof they need, create exceptional client experiences and do away with slow and complex forms.

The future is here, the time is now.

Get started today

Get in touch to find out how to become part of the movement of successful professionals pushing their businesses into the future and igniting great client experiences. Be form free.

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