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What our clients say

'The Armalytix products work, and they have made a radical difference to our team. We are more efficient, and Martin and I are all about working less but earning more, and Armalytix helps us achieve just that.'

Lindsey McQueen - Operations Director, Arch Law

'Armalytix is a game changer! Ease of process and quality of information is unparalleled. We can now get detailed banking data from clients in minutes, with minimal costs. A process that previously involved never ending phone calls and reminders.'

Zain Iqbal - Insolvency Practitioner, Cooper Young

'Armalytix gives the consumer the opportunity to complete compliance requirements at a click of a button and this innovation allows us to deliver a clearer service as well as adding another layer of protection for both consumers and for us as a business. We were able to advise Armalytix on what our specific compliance requirements were in order to fulfil our regulatory requirements. We want our consumers to have the best experiences with us and Armalytix helps us achieve that.'

Amanda Ambler - Operational Project Manager - Chadwick Lawrence
